How to use

If you haven't already, you will need to install the custom firmware for the puck.js that adds NTAG215 emulation

To install the updated firmware, you will first need to enter DFU mode. To enter DFU mode, remove the battery and re-insert it while holding the button until a green light turns on.

Once you're in DFU mode, you can click the "Update Firmware" button above.

Once you have the custom firmware installed, you can upload the script file by clicking the "Upload Script".

If you want to manually upload the script, see the section below.

Manual Script Upload

First you'll need to write this .js file to your puck.js with the Espruino IDE, then after you do that you'll be able to connect with this page by clicking connect to puck.

If you ever want to put the puck back into programming mode, you can click the enable uart button that appears after connecting.

Note: For best compatibility, you'll want to enable code minification, mangle, and pretokenise code before upload in the Espruino IDE

// #region Constants
 * Set this to true if you want to save the tags to flash memory.
const SAVE_TO_FLASH = false;

 * Idle time before automatically going to sleep.
const AUTO_SLEEP_TIME = 600000;

 * How many miliseconds you have to hold the button to power on the puck
const POWER_ON_TIME = 5000;

 * How many miliseconds you have to hold the button to power off the puck
const POWER_OFF_TIME = 5000;

 * Enable or disable debug messages.
const ENABLE_LOG = false;

 * The name of the script.
const FIRMWARE_NAME = "dtm-2.1.0";

 * The file name in flash used to store the bluetooth device name.
const PUCK_NAME_FILE = "puck-name";

 * This string is sent when {@link fastMode} has finished, and {@link fastRx} is ready to receive data.

 * The board that the script is running on.  Used to determine various features.
 * @type {string}
const BOARD = process.env.BOARD;
// #endregion

// #region Modules
 * The `Storage` module.
const storage = require("Storage");
// #endregion

// #region Mangle Helper
const _BTN = this.BTN;
const _LED1 = this.LED1;
const _LED2 = this.LED2;
const _LED3 = this.LED3;
const _NTAG215 = this.NTAG215;
const _clearTimeout = clearTimeout;
const _setTimeout = setTimeout;
const _setWatch = setWatch;
const _clearWatch = clearWatch;
const _consoleLog = console.log;
const _Math = Math;
const _MathRound = _Math.round;
const _MathRandom = _Math.random;
const _Rising = "rising";
const _Falling = "falling";
const _Bluetooth = this.Bluetooth;
const _Data = "data";
const _Disconnect = "disconnect";
const _Connect = "connect";

// #endregion

// #region Features
 * Whether to enable code that changes LEDs
const ENABLE_LED1 = this.LED1 != null;
const ENABLE_LED2 = this.LED2 != null;
const ENABLE_LED3 = this.LED3 != null;
// #endregion

// #region Variables
 * The active tag index.
var currentTag = 0;

 * Contains the timeout between changing tags.
var changeTagTimeout = null;

 * A buffer used by the NTAG215 emulator.
var txBuffer = new Uint8Array(32);

 * An array of the in-memory tags, unused if {@link SAVE_TO_FLASH} is true
var tags = [];

 * If {@link fastRx} should process data.
var rxPaused = false;

 * Auto-sleep timeout reference.
var autoSleepTimeout = null;

 * If bluetooth is currently connected.
var bluetoothConnected = false;
// #endregion

// #region Tag initialization
while (tags.length < 50 && process.memory().free > 1024) {
  tags.push(new Uint8Array(572));

  _consoleLog("Tag count: " + tags.length);
// #endregion

 * This function clears any pending auto-sleep timeout.
function clearAutoSleep() {
  if (autoSleepTimeout) {
    autoSleepTimeout = null;

 * This function is called during activity to reset the auto-sleep timer.
function resetAutoSleep() {
  autoSleepTimeout = setTimeout(powerOff, AUTO_SLEEP_TIME);

 * This function will repair a damaged UID for an NTAG215 while ignoring everything else.
 * @returns {boolean} - Whether anything was changed with the tag data.
function fixUid() {
  const tag = getTag(currentTag);

  if (tag[0] == 0x04 && tag[9] == 0x48 && _NTAG215.fixUid()) {
    if (ENABLE_LOG) {
      _consoleLog("Fixed UID");
    return true;

  return false;

 * This function takes an array `inputData` as input and converts its elements into hexadecimal format, displaying them in a formatted way for better visualization.
 * Terser will optimize the function away because it's not used, but it's useful to have for debugging.
 * @param {Uint8Array} inputData
function hexDump(inputData) {
  // Initialize an empty string `line`, which will be used to build the output lines containing the hexadecimal values.
  var line = "";

  // Iterate through each element of the `inputData` array.
  for (let i = 0; i < inputData.length; i++) {
      Convert the decimal value of the current element to a two-digit hexadecimal string.
      If the hexadecimal string is less than two digits, pad it with leading zeros.
      Convert the result to uppercase for consistency.
    const hex = inputData[i].toString(16).padStart(2, '0').toUpperCase();

    // Append the hexadecimal value followed by a space to the `line` string.
    line = line + hex + ' ';

    // Check if the current index is a multiple of 8 (i.e., the end of a line).
    if ((i + 1) % 8 === 0) {
      // If 8 elements have been added to the `line` string, log the current `line` to the console.

      // Reset the `line` string to an empty state, to start building the next line.
      line = '';

    After the loop, there might be remaining elements in the `line` string that were not enough to form a complete line of 8 elements.
    In that case, log the remaining `line` to the console.
  if (line != '') {

 * Generates a random UID.
 * @returns  {Uint8Array} The UID.
function generateUid() {
  var uid = new Uint8Array(9);
  uid[0] = 0x04;
  uid[1] = _MathRound(_MathRandom() * 255);
  uid[2] = _MathRound(_MathRandom() * 255);
  uid[3] = uid[0] ^ uid[1] ^ uid[2] ^ 0x88;
  uid[4] = _MathRound(_MathRandom() * 255);
  uid[5] = _MathRound(_MathRandom() * 255);
  uid[6] = _MathRound(_MathRandom() * 255);
  uid[7] = _MathRound(_MathRandom() * 255);
  uid[8] = uid[4] ^ uid[5] ^ uid[6] ^ uid[7];

  return uid;

 * Returns a {@link Uint8Array} for the slot requested.
 * @param {Number} slot - The requested slot.
 * @returns {Uint8Array} - A read / write array in memory.
function getTag(slot) {
  return tags[slot];

 * This function returns a select subset of information that can be used to indentify an amiibo character and nickname.
 * @param {number} slot - The desired slot.
 * @returns  {Uint8Array} - A subset of tag tag from 0x00 - 0x08, 0x10 - 0x18, 0x20 - 0x34, 0x54 - 0x5C, 0x60 - 0x80
function getTagInfo(slot) {
  const output = Uint8Array(80);
  const tag = getTag(slot);

  output.set(tag.slice(0, 8), 0);
  output.set(tag.slice(16, 24), 8);
  output.set(tag.slice(32, 52), 20);
  output.set(tag.slice(84, 92), 40);
  output.set(tag.slice(96, 128), 48);

  return output;

 * Changes the active slot to the one chosen.
 * @param {number} slot - The slot to change to
 * @param {boolean} immediate - If this is falsy there will be a 200ms delay, otherwise there will be none.
function changeTag(slot, immediate) {
  if (changeTagTimeout) {
    changeTagTimeout = null;


  currentTag = slot;

  if (ENABLE_LEDS && currentTag < 7) {
    if (ENABLE_LED1) {
      _LED1.write(currentTag + 1 & 1);

    if (ENABLE_LED2) {
      _LED2.write(currentTag + 1 & 2);

    if (ENABLE_LED3) {
      _LED3.write(currentTag + 1 & 4);

  function innerChangeTag() {
    if (ENABLE_LEDS) {
      if (ENABLE_LED1) {

      if (ENABLE_LED2) {

      if (ENABLE_LED3) {


  if (immediate) {
  } else {
    changeTagTimeout = _setTimeout(innerChangeTag, 200);

 * This will cycle through the first 7 slots.
 * @see - {@link changeTag} If you want to change to a specific slot.
function cycleTags() {
  if (AUTO_SLEEP_TIME > 0) {
    if (!bluetoothConnected) {

  changeTag(++currentTag >= 7 ? 0 : currentTag);

 * Copies the input into a new {@link Uint8Array}
 * @param {Uint8Array} buffer - The input {@link Uint8Array}
 * @returns - A copy of the input.
function getBufferClone(buffer) {
  if (buffer) {
    var output = new Uint8Array(buffer.length);

    return output;

 * Saves the tag to flash.
 * @param {number | undefined} [slot] - The desired slot.  If not set, this will be the currently active slot.
 * @returns
function saveTag(slot) {
  if (slot == undefined) {
    slot = currentTag;

  if (slot < 0 || slot >= tags.length) {

  if (ENABLE_LOG) {
    _consoleLog("Saving tag " + slot);
  storage.write("tag" + slot + ".bin", getTag(slot));

 * Saves all tags to flash.
function saveAllTags() {
  for (var i = 0; i < tags.length; i++) {

 * Flashes an LED
 * @param {PIN} led The LED to flash
 * @param {number} interval The time the LED stays on and off
 * @param {number} times The number of times to flash
 * @param {(() => void)} callback The callback that gets called after the sequence is complete.
 * @returns
function flashLed(led, interval, times, callback) {
  if (ENABLE_LEDS && led != null) {
    if (times < 1) {
      if (callback) {
        return callback();
      } else {


    _setTimeout(() => {

      _setTimeout(() => {
        flashLed(led, interval, times - 1, callback);
      }, interval);
    }, interval);
  } else {
    // No LEDs, run the callback immediately.
    if (callback) {
      return callback();
    } else {

 * The power on sequence started by {@link setInitWatch}.
function powerOn() {
  if (ENABLE_LED2) {
    flashLed(_LED2, 150, 2, () => {
  } else {

 * Adds a watch to the main button.  When the button is held for {@link POWER_ON_TIME}, it will call {@link powerOn}.
function setInitWatch() {
  _setWatch(powerOn, _BTN, {
    repeat: false,
    edge: _Rising,
    debounce: POWER_ON_TIME

 * Called when bluetooth connected.
function onBluetoothConnect() {
  bluetoothConnected = true;

 * Called when bluetooth disconnected.
function onBluetoothDisconnect() {
  bluetoothConnected = false;

 * Adds a watch to the main button.  When the button is held for {@link POWER_OFF_TIME}, it will call {@link setInitWatch}.
function powerOff() {

  if (ENABLE_LED1) {
    flashLed(_LED1, 150, 2);

  if(AUTO_SLEEP_TIME > 0) {

  NRF.removeListener(_Connect, onBluetoothConnect);
  NRF.removeListener(_Disconnect, onBluetoothDisconnect);

 * Initializes the button watches, and starts BLE advertising.
function initialize() {

  changeTag(currentTag, true);

  _setWatch(powerOff, _BTN, {
    repeat: false,
    edge: _Rising,
    debounce: POWER_OFF_TIME

  _setWatch(cycleTags, _BTN, {
    repeat: true,
    edge: _Falling,
    debounce: 50

  NRF.setAdvertising({}, {
    name: getBufferClone(storage.readArrayBuffer(PUCK_NAME_FILE))

  if (AUTO_SLEEP_TIME > 0) {

  NRF.on(_Connect, onBluetoothConnect);
  NRF.on(_Disconnect, onBluetoothDisconnect);

 * Enables "fast mode", the Espruino REPL console is disabled during this mode.
 * The string indicated by {@link FAST_MODE_STRING} will be sent when {@link fastRx} is ready to start receiving data.
function fastMode() {
  // Move the console to Serial1 so it doesn't do anything over Bluetooth.

  // Attach fastRx to the bluetooth data received event.
  _Bluetooth.on(_Data, fastRx);

  // Attach a function to the bluetooth disconnect event.
  NRF.on(_Disconnect, onFastModeDisconnect);

  _setTimeout(function() {
    // Send a message to let the other end know we're ready.
  }, 20);

 * Attached by {@link fastMode}, called when Bluetooth disconnects.
 * This will remove the listener for {@link fastRx}, as well as {@link onFastModeDisconnect}.
function onFastModeDisconnect() {
  // Remove the listener from the Bluetooth interface
  _Bluetooth.removeListener(_Data, fastRx);

  // Remove event listener
  NRF.removeListener(_Disconnect, onFastModeDisconnect);

 * This will receive the number of bytes and add it to a buffer, this buffer will be the argument to {@link callback}.
 * The function will wait indefinitely for the data to be received over the Nordic UART interface.
 * @param {number} count The number of bytes to receive.
 * @param {((buffer: Uint8Array) => void)} callback The callback containing the buffer.
function rxBytes(count, callback) {
  rxPaused = true;

  var buffer = new Uint8Array(count);
  var position = 0;

  function receive(data) {
    buffer.set(new Uint8Array(E.toUint8Array(data), 0, Math.min(data.length, count - position)), position);
    position = position + data.length;

    if (position >= count) {
      var tempBuffer = buffer;

  function disconnect() {
    _Bluetooth.removeListener(_Data, receive);
    NRF.removeListener(_Disconnect, disconnect);

    buffer = null;
    rxPaused = false;

  _Bluetooth.on(_Data, receive);
  NRF.on(_Disconnect, disconnect);

 * This function gets called when serial data has been received after calling {@link fastMode}
 * @param {string} data
 * @returns
function fastRx(data) {
  if (rxPaused) {

  // data is a string, so you want to convert to an array to work with
  data = E.toUint8Array(data);

  // define some variables to use.
  var slot,

  if (data.length > 0) {
    switch (data[0]) {
      case 0x00: //BLE Packet Test
        _Bluetooth.write(new Uint8Array(data.length > 1 ? data[1] : 255));


      case 0x01: //Slot Information <Slot>
        if (data.length > 1) {
          //Returns a subset of data for identifying
          slot = data[1] < tags.length ? data[1] : currentTag;
          var tagData = getTagInfo(slot);

          _Bluetooth.write(new Uint8Array(data, 0, 2));
        } else {
          //Returns 0x01 <Current Slot> <Slot Count>
          _Bluetooth.write([0x01, currentTag, tags.length]);


      case 0x02: //Read <Slot> <StartPage> <PageCount>
        //Max pages: 143
        //Returns 0x02 <Slot> <StartPage> <PageCount> <Data>
        startIdx = data[2] * 4;
        dataSize = data[3] * 4;
        slot = data[1] < tags.length ? data[1] : currentTag;
        sourceData = getTag(slot).slice(startIdx, startIdx + dataSize);

        if (ENABLE_LOG) {
          //_consoleLog("Reading from slot: " + slot);
          //_consoleLog("Read from " + startIdx + " - " + (startIdx + dataSize));

        response = Uint8Array(4);
        response.set(Uint8Array(data, 0, 4), 0);
        response[1] = slot;


      case 0x03: //Write <Slot> <StartPage> <Data>
        startIdx = data[2] * 4;
        dataSize = data.length - 3;
        slot = data[1] < tags.length ? data[1] : currentTag;

        //store data if it fits into memory
        if ((startIdx + dataSize) <= 572) {
          if (ENABLE_LOG) {
            //_consoleLog("Write to slot: " + slot);
            //_consoleLog("Write to start: " + startIdx);
            //_consoleLog("Write size: " + dataSize);

          getTag(slot).set(new Uint8Array(data.buffer, 3, dataSize), startIdx);

        _Bluetooth.write(new Uint8Array(data, 0, 3));


      case 0x04: //Save <Slot>
        if (SAVE_TO_FLASH) {
          slot = data[1] < tags.length ? data[1] : currentTag;



      case 0x05: //Full Write <Slot>
        slot = data[1];

        _setTimeout(function() {
          rxBytes(572, (rxData) => {
            getTag(slot).set(rxData, 0, 0);


        }, 0)


      case 0xFA: //Get Bluetooth Name
        //Returns the bluetooth name, followed by a null terminator.
        _Bluetooth.write([0]); // Null terminator

      case 0xFB: //Set Bluetooth Name
        nullIdx = data.indexOf(0);

        if (nullIdx == -1) {
          nullIdx = data.length - 1;

        if (nullIdx > 1) {
          storage.write(PUCK_NAME_FILE, data.slice(1, nullIdx));
        } else {

        NRF.setAdvertising({}, {
          name: getBufferClone(storage.readArrayBuffer(PUCK_NAME_FILE))


      case 0xFC: //Get Firmware
        if (ENABLE_LOG) {
          _consoleLog("Firmware Name:", FIRMWARE_NAME);

        _Bluetooth.write([0]); // Null terminator


      case 0xFD: //Move slot <From> <To>
        oldSlot = data[1];
        newSlot = data[2];
        if (oldSlot < tags.length && newSlot < tags.length) {
          tags.splice(newSlot, 0, tags.splice(oldSlot, 1)[0]);


      case 0xFE: //Enable BLE UART


      case 0xFF: //Restart NFC <Slot?>
        if (data.length > 1) {
          changeTag(data[1] >= tags.length ? 0 : data[1]);
        } else {



// Check if the firmware flashed to the puck contains the needed NTAG emulation code.
if (typeof _NTAG215 !== "undefined") {
  // If no name has been assigned, set a generic one based on the hardware ID.
  if (storage.readArrayBuffer(PUCK_NAME_FILE) == undefined) {
    if (BOARD === "PUCKJS") {
      storage.write(PUCK_NAME_FILE, "Puck.js " + NRF.getAddress().substr(12, 5).split(":").join(""));
    } else if (BOARD === "PIXLJS") {
      storage.write(PUCK_NAME_FILE, "Pixl.js " + NRF.getAddress().substr(12, 5).split(":").join(""));
    } else {
      storage.write(PUCK_NAME_FILE, BOARD.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + BOARD.substring(1).toLowerCase() + " " + NRF.getAddress().substr(12, 5).split(":").join(""));

  // Set the buffer for the NTAG emulation to use.
  E.on("kill", _NTAG215.nfcStop);

  // Event fired when the NFC field has been activated.
  NRF.on('NFCon', function nfcOn() {
    if (AUTO_SLEEP_TIME > 0) {
      if (!bluetoothConnected) {

    // Turn on the LEDs as indicated by the bits of the current slot.
    if (ENABLE_LEDS && currentTag < 7) {
      if (ENABLE_LED1) {
        _LED1.write(currentTag + 1 & 1);

      if (ENABLE_LED2) {
        _LED2.write(currentTag + 1 & 2);

      if (ENABLE_LED3) {
        _LED3.write(currentTag + 1 & 4);

  // Event fired when the NFC field becomes inactive.
  NRF.on('NFCoff', function nfcOff() {
    if (AUTO_SLEEP_TIME > 0) {
      if (!bluetoothConnected) {

    // Turn off all LEDs.
    if (ENABLE_LEDS) {
      if (ENABLE_LED1) {

      if (ENABLE_LED2) {

      if (ENABLE_LED3) {

    // Fix the tag UID if needed, and restart.
    if (fixUid()) {

    // If the tag has been written, save it.
    if (_NTAG215.getTagWritten()) {
      if (SAVE_TO_FLASH) {

  // Initialize the tags in ram, and load any saved tags from flash.
  for (var i = 0; i < tags.length; i++) {
    const filename = "tag" + i + ".bin";
    const buffer = storage.readArrayBuffer(filename);
    const tag = getTag(i);

    if (buffer) {
      if (ENABLE_LOG) {
        _consoleLog("Loaded " + filename);

    } else {
      // Generate blank NTAG215 tags with random, but valid UID.
      tag.set(generateUid(), 0);

      // Set extra data present in blank tags.
      tag.set([0x48, 0x00, 0x00, 0xE1, 0x10, 0x3E, 0x00, 0x03, 0x00, 0xFE], 0x09);
      tag.set([0xBD, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x05], 0x20B);

  // Initialize watches and start BLE advertising.
} else {
  // We don't have the custom firmware needed.
  if (ENABLE_LED1) {
    // Turn on the red LED.

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